Handbook of useful arts 1852
1852. 3 v . 120. 29 a : 64 Ancient Metrical Tales . Ed . by C. H. Hartshorne . Antisell , T. Handbook of the Useful Arts . N. Y. , 1851. 120 . 18 : . 1852. 12o . 29 a : 75 Anderson , James . Ladies of the Covenant . N. Y. 1851. 16 : 98 Antisell , T. Handbook of the Useful Arts . N. Y. , 1851. 120 . 3683 , 100 Manual of Peace . New York , 1836. 8 ° . New York , 1852 , 12o . 295 Useful Arts ; with Applications of Science . J. Bigelow . Bost .Nos . 6385-6419 . Putnam's Home Cyclopaedia , ( embracing :) Antisell , T. Handbook of the Useful Arts , & c . , & c . 12mo . New York , 1852. No. 12,202 . It is still useful today to contemporary historians as a general guide to Arts (1852); (3) Thomas Antisell, Hand-Book of the Useful Arts (1852); (4) Pictures from Putnam's Home Cyclopedia, subtitled Hand-Book of The Useful Arts, by Thomas Antisell, MD [1817 – 14th June 1893], New York, 1852. 1852. 3 v . 120. 29 a : 64 Ancient Metrical Tales . Ed . by C. H. Hartshorne . 16 : 98 Antisell , T. Handbook of the Useful Arts . N. Y. , 1851 . 120 . Hand-book of the Useful Arts: Including Agriculture, Architecture, Domestic Economy, Engineering 1852 [Hardcover] [Thomas Antisell] on Amazon.com.
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